Rat Bait  Guitars

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07596 533687

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Built in a rat infested shed in Devon

Squier SE Body

Contact Rat Bait Guitars

Please use the form above to contact us or request a quote for a custom build or ask us if we have a specific part you are looking for.

The bodies we make are made from recycled wood gathered from various sources - old furniture, fence posts, salvaged timber from roof constructions, flooring etc. All constructed and shaped in our rat-infested shed in North Devon.

Reused and reshaped, these discarded bits of timber gems have been given a new life. The timber we use is upcycled, repurposed and recycled. Each guitar we make is custom built, each one is unique and one of a kind.

We also stock bodies that are made by other companies including Fender Squier.

We usually have at least one Squier SE body in stock.These are the best bodies to build a perfect partscaster or upgrade your Squier Bullet. We have fitted genuine Fender Mexican necks to these bodies in the past and they are a superb combination, as good as, if not better than a genuine Mexican Stratocaster. The general consensus is that SE bodies are made from Agathis, although some were apparently made from Alder.

We currently have several bodies in stock, prices ranging from £25.00 upwards. Some are already painted and some are in raw wood state.